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Mostrando postagens com marcador Eurocopa. Mostrar todas as postagens

terça-feira, 8 de maio de 2012

Pedro Pinto: "Eu ouvi histórias de horror sobre os preparativos da Ucrânia para o Euro, assim esperamos que as coisas vão ser piores" | Campeão

Pedro Pinto: "Eu ouvi histórias de horror sobre os preparativos da Ucrânia para o Euro, assim esperamos que as coisas vão ser piores" | Campeão

Pedro Pinto: "Eu ouvi histórias de horror sobre os preparativos da Ucrânia para o Euro, assim esperamos que as coisas vão ser piores"

Famoso jornalista "CNN" entrevista "Champion" disse sobre isso na Europa a impressão dos preparativos da Ucrânia para o Euro 2012.
Na semana passada, o último evento oficial vidshumily antes do Campeonato Europeu de Futebol 2012. Umempate final , as equipes eram rivais, e agora os treinadores podem facilmente navegar rivais lutas para começar a saber como agir contra teyi ou outra equipe.
Não omitido para destacar o evento acima e "CNN International". TV Canal dedicou uma semana para as suas edições especiais da Euro-2012. Representado "CNN" Pedro Pinto - um especialista em futebol, que veio para a Polônia ea Ucrânia a uma série de reportagens especiais oferecer aos telespectadores uma variedade de histórias sobre personalidades famosas do mundo das infra-estruturas desportivas, os fãs, a história e objetos para que no próximo verão vai ser focadas Atenção fãs do esporte em todo o mundo.
Apesar do fato de que o jornalista era agenda muito ocupada, ele concedeu meia hora e um local de "Campeão". Além disso, Pinto reuniu-se com Presidente da UEFA, Michel Platini, Andriy Shevchenko e ex-goleiro da Dinamarca, Peter Shmeyhelem e um dos maiores jogadores de futebol do mundo Zinedine Zidane.
Pinto na companhia do vice-primeiro-ministro Boris Kolesnikov viajou de avião para a Ucrânia. Isto pode ser significativo, mas dos lábios do Sr. Pinto não ouvimos uma única palavra crítica dos preparativos da Ucrânia para o Euro 2012. E o Boris Kolesnikov fez uma impressão positiva sobre o jornalista ... Na verdade, com a experiência de encontro com Kolesnikov "Champion" e começou a falar.

- Só queria começar com o importante. Qual é a sua impressão dos preparativos da Ucrânia para o Euro 2012 em todos os momentos? Você está surpreso que a Ucrânia está quase tudo feito na hora?
- Todos os estádios olhar grande. E eu acho que os terminais do aeroporto e hotéis estarão prontos no tempo devido. Para ser honesto, eu ouvi muitas histórias terríveis sobre o treinamento, por isso espero que a situação é muito pior. Obviamente, a infra-estrutura de transporte não é perfeito, mas os moradores não devem esperar milagres em apenas que sua cidade vai acolher o Euro.
- Saiba que você viajou para a Ucrânia, juntamente com Boris Kolesnikov. Diga-me, qual é sua impressão sobre ele e outros funcionários?
- Kolesnikov realmente fez uma impressão em mim. Parece que ele me convenceu de que este torneio será um sucesso. Ele é um daqueles que espera que as pessoas a trabalhar 24 horas por dia para preparar tudo a tempo. Eu acho que é muito respeitado, porque ele é a personalidade muito forte. Quanto aos críticos, eu disse a ele sobre alguns aspectos da infra-estrutura de transportes. Ele concordou.
- Você sabia que a reconstrução do "Olympic" era muito mais caro do que a construção da "Arena Allianz" em Munique? E comparar o resultado do difícil ...
- Às vezes acontece que o custo do estádio permanece dentro do orçamento, por isso às vezes ela cresce. Em geral, você deve fazer é os organizadores e prestadores de serviços, onde o dinheiro vai e por que a reconstrução foi tão caro. Francamente, eu, pessoalmente, não sei.
- Está coberto de escândalos de corrupção da CNN na Ucrânia rela>>>>
A reportagem é de dezembro de 2011

A EUROCOPA sob pressão de vários fatores extra futebol....Former Ukrainian prime minister to end hunger strike -

Prison, persecution and football: How Ukraine's Euro 2012 dream turned sour

By James Montague, CNN
May 8, 2012 -- Updated 1510 GMT (2310 HKT)
Next month sees the start of football's European Championships, arguably the toughest competition in world football. Ukraine will co-host the event with Poland, but it has been overshadowed by the treatment of former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, who has been in prison since last October on charges of abuse of power.Next month sees the start of football's European Championships, arguably the toughest competition in world football. Ukraine will co-host the event with Poland, but it has been overshadowed by the treatment of former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, who has been in prison since last October on charges of abuse of power.
Europe's Ukrainian dilemma
  • As Euro 2012 approaches, co-hosts Ukraine under fire over jailing of ex-PM
  • Yulia Tymoshenko alleges they are political charges and that she was beaten in prison
  • EU leaders are boycotting the finals over her treatment
  • CNN talks to her daughter Eugenia and asks what went wrong?
(CNN) -- No one used the word reward, but the subtext was clear for all to see.
In April 2007, when Poland and Ukraine were surprisingly awarded the right to co-host the 2012 European Championship -- one of international football's top tournaments after the World Cup -- both countries' delegations exploded with joy.
For the Ukrainians it was especially poignant. At the center of the celebrations was President Viktor Yushchenko, who had come to power leading the 2004 Orange Revolution, ignited when the election battle between him and the then Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych was allegedly riddled with fraud.
Massive street protests swept away the old regime, whose last desperate attempt to cling on to power, according to supporters of Yushchenko, was a plot to poison the challenger. Yushchenko barely survived.
But survive he did, and the chance to host Euro 2012 was redemption. Ukraine was finally, post communism, moving towards democracy and the rule of law. Euro 2012 represented a chance, as the Olympics did in Seoul and Tokyo decades before, for sport to welcome Ukraine into the club of free nations.
Tymoshenko claims beatings in jail
Daughter on Tymoshenko's jail ordeal
Former Ukrainian PM found guilty
Shevchenko wants to end on high note
"We will be able to show millions of fans the unforgettable charm of our cities and the history they have preserved so beautifully," Yushchenko said when Ukraine's joint bid was selected to host the tournament.
"And put on display of Slav hospitality and culture."
A coronation
The final in Kiev on July 1, 2012, was to be the coronation. But with a month to go until Ukraine was to enjoy its moment in the sun, Yushchenko's words ring hollow. He was voted out of power in 2010, his Orange Revolution unraveling as, according to his supporters, the new president Yanukovych -- ironically the man he defeated in 2004 -- tries to roll back the gains made eight years ago.
And far from highlighting Ukraine's development, Euro 2012 has done the opposite. Instead European statesmen and women are boycotting the event as the blond heroine of the Orange Revolution, former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, languishes in a prison cell thanks to what her supporters claim are spurious political charges.
Last week her family released pictures of what they say is proof that Tymoshenko was beaten up in prison, which the Ukrainian government denies.
"Her condition is worsening, her physical condition," her daughter Eugenia Tymoshenko told CNN.
"That was after eight days of hunger strike. She was already much weaker because of the attacks when they beat her on April 20. Because of her protest her morale is very strong (but) we have asked her to stop her hunger strike."
Tymoshenko has been in prison since October last year. She received a seven-year sentence for abuse of power over the signing of a gas deal with Russia that the current president deemed detrimental to the national interest. But few outside of Ukraine saw it as anything other than the persecution of a political rival.
"Once she was arrested, there was a whole machine that started working," said Eugenia.

segunda-feira, 7 de maio de 2012

A EUROCOPA está envolvida em política e pode ser atrapalhada por isso...

Campaign to Free TymoshenkoMerkel Wants Mass Boycott of Euro 2012 in Ukraine

Riot police conduct an exercise at a stadium in Lviv as part of preparations for the upcoming Euro 2012 championship.Zoom
Riot police conduct an exercise at a stadium in Lviv as part of preparations for the upcoming Euro 2012 championship.
Germany is intensifying its diplomatic pressure on Ukraine over its treatment of the imprisoned opposition leader Yulia Tymoshenko. SPIEGEL has learned that Chancellor Angela Merkel has been campaigning for a mass boycott of the European Football Championship in Ukraine by leaders across Europe if Kiev does not release Tymoshenko.

In the ongoing conflict over the Ukrainian leadership's treatment of the imprisoned opposition leader Yulia Tymoshenko, Angela Merkel is trying to raise the pressure on Kiev. SPIEGEL has learned that the German chancellor is campaigning within the European Union for a mass boycott of the European Football Championship in Ukraine by European heads of state and government if Kiev does not release Tymoshenko.
Merkel has already signaled that she may refrain from traveling to Ukraine for the tournament, which takes place from June 8 to July 1. Officials at the Chancellery in Berlin believe, however, that the threat of an EU-wide boycott would have a greater impact than unilateral action by individual countries.
Last week, the European Commission announced that all 27 EU commissioners would refrain from traveling to the matches in Ukraine if Tymoshenko remains in custody. German President Joachim Gauck and eight other European heads of state have already canceled their participation in a planned mid-May summit in Crimea with Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych.

On Sunday, Merkel's spokesman Steffen Seibert denied that the chancellor was pushing for a boycott. "The chancellor is not campaigning for an EU-wide political boycott for the European Championship games in Ukraine," Seibert told the German news agency DPA. Merkel has not yet decided whether she herself will boycott the games in Ukraine and will decide about her travel plans "at short notice," Seibert said.
In Poland, which is co-hosting the European Championship together with Ukraine, the government takes a critical view of the German initiative. During Gauck's inaugural visit to Poland in March, which took place before his decision to cancel his trip to Ukraine, Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski asked the German president to meet with Yanukovych as planned. Other countries have to keep up a dialogue with Ukraine, Komorowski argued. Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk has also told Merkel that he rejects a political boycott of the tournament.
Psychological Boost
On Friday, Tymoshenko agreed to be treated in a Ukrainian hospital in the presence of a German doctor. Doctors from the Charité hospital in Berlin have examined Tymoshenko in the women's prison in the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv, where she is being held, on a number of occasions, and the German government had been negotiating with the Ukrainian government about possibly treating Tymoshenko in Germany. The 51-year-old politician is reported to be suffering from chronic back pain as the result of a herniated disk and has been on hunger strike for over two weeks in protest over what she claims was an assault by prison guards.
In an interview published in the Sunday edition of the Austrian newspaperÖsterreich, Tymoshenko's daughter Yevhenia Tymoshenko, who has been leading the fight to save her mother, said that Yulia Tymoshenko would continue with her hunger strike "until decisions have been made." She said her mother had experienced an "enormous" psychological boost from the diplomatic pressure on Ukraine.
Yevhenia Tymoshenko planned to travel to Berlin on Monday, where she was expected to hold closed-door talks with German Justice Minister Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger, according to DPA. There had been speculation that Yevhenia Tymoshenko might also meet with Merkel during her visit to Berlin, but on Monday a government spokesman denied that such a meeting would take place.
Tymoshenko is the main political rival of President Yanukovych. Last October, she was sentenced to seven years in prison for abuse of office. The West regards the trial as politically motivated.
dgs/SPIEGEL - with wire reports

sexta-feira, 6 de abril de 2012

Eurocopa: Arena de Gdansk na Pomerânia, Polônia. Faltam 63 dias para começar ...

O novo estádio em Gdansk é um dos mais modernos e mais belas da Europa. Construído durante os 26 meses da fachada original do estádio na cor de âmbar, que se tornou uma vitrine de preparações poloneses e ucranianos para o UEFA EURO 2012 ™, antes de começar a sua construção.

Danzig arena pode acomodar mais de 42 000 espectadores. É equipado com modernos sistemas de monitoramento (mais de 400 câmeras), e quatro telas enormes, com uma área de 72 m 2 cada. Estádio tem 2000 lugares de estacionamento para carros e 200 ônibus. Os hóspedes do setor tem entrada separada.