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Uma crônica que tem perdão, indulto, desafio, crítica, poder...

segunda-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2012

Ao seu dispor... Biblioteca Digital Mundial !

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Depois de 5.150 postagens; um baby com 18 meses; um vício de 72 semanas; um exercício mental de 540 dias... depois de tudo isso, mil agradecimentos e votos de Feliz Ano Novo!


Feliz Ano Novo!!!

The ABC’s of Genuine Happiness

Posted: December 20th, 2012
Here’s the ABC’s of Genuine Happiness:

Accept your reality.
Be present. Be bold.
Create something exciting.
Drink plenty of water. Dance.
Exercise daily. Eat fresh foods.
Feel your emotions. Face fear.
Go outside and observe nature. Give.
Hug often. Help others.
Ignite your passions.
Jump through your comfort zone.
Kiss passionately. Keep looking forward.
Laugh. Love. Learn to let go.
Meditate daily. Make goals.
Never give up on what you want.
Own a pet. Observe beauty.
Pray. Paint. Play an instrument.
Quit a bad habit. Quiet your mind.
Read. Relax. Reinvent yourself.
Smile. Sleep. Simplify.
Take power naps. Talk wisely.
Unleash your strengths.
Vent. Visualize your dreams.
Walk. Write. Watch the sun set.
Xerox your smiling face.
Yell less. Yield to your thoughts.
Zap negativity.

By unknown author