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domingo, 15 de abril de 2012

Hotel, com conceito diferente, perto de PARIS

Bubble Hotel in France- The new concept in outdoor living

Contribuição de Mariana

Bubble Hotel in France offers great view of the night skies

Luxury camping or innovative Hotel room?
Just outside of Paris, a unique hotel gives locals and tourists a chance to get a good night’s rest while watching the stars.
Bubble Tree Hotel was designed by Pierre-Stephane Dumas who followed the concept of having a room which can let guests enjoy the sunset and watch the galaxy glowing in the night sky.

Watching the stars from your bed
The bubble hotel rooms do not have frames so they are filled with air to keep them erect. The bubble hotel saves guests the hassle of setting up a tent to enjoy the night sky. The Bubble Tree gives holidaymakers a chance to enjoy the view with some chamber music and excellent champagne. The management surely knows how to put some luxury into the wilderness adventure.

Luxury in a Bubble
The bubble tree hotel is at the Chateau Mal-maison which was once the home of the wife of Napoleon,Josephine de Beauharnais.
The bubble structure surely tickled the imagination of the corporate world as the designer was tapped to put up bubble structures for some company events.

No condensation, free flow of air, very ecologic Hotel room
You can enjoy a night at the Bubble Tree hotel in France for just 189 euros.

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