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quinta-feira, 23 de maio de 2013

Ataque a soldado em Londres gera manifestações de horror e de surpresa no Ocidente

Victim of Woolwich attack was serving soldier, police confirm

Officials have contacted relatives of dead man, who is believed to have served in Afghanistan
Link to video: Woolwich police investigate meat cleaver attack
Scotland Yard has confirmed that the victim of the Woolwich machete attack was a serving soldier.
Though he has not yet been formally named, the Guardian understands he had undertaken one six-month tour of Afghanistan and was stationed at the Royal Artillery Barracks in Woolwich. A postmortem would be conducted on Thursday afternoon when further details about him are expected to be released.
Following protocols laid out by the police inquiry, the Ministry of Defence has been unable to confirm the man's identity, though officials were confident on Wednesday night they knew who he was – and had contacted members of his family.
The MoD made clear that his next of kin had now been informed and it was their wish that his identity not be released at this stage.
Woolwich police officerA police officer in Woolwich, south-east London, holds flowers near the scene where a British soldier was killed. Photograph: Neil Hall/Reuters
The chief of the defence staff, General Sir David Richards, said: "I was appalled to hear of this abhorrent crime committed against one of our servicemen. I add my voice to that of the rest of the country in condemning this foul act and I extend my deepest sympathies to the family and loved ones of the victim during this most distressing time."
A statement from the defence secretary, Philip Hammond, added: "I am shocked by the brutality of this cold-blooded murder of a serviceman on the streets of London. We are co-operating with the Metropolitan police in their investigation and will take all steps necessary to protect our servicemen and women. My thoughts are with the family and loved ones of the deceased."
Colonel Lincoln Jopp, a former commander of UK forces in Afghanistan, said: "This is a shocking event and we honour our dead wherever they have fallen. British soldiers who go to fight for their country in Afghanistan know they may be at some risk when they come home. This is not the first time someone from the armed forces has been targeted. But we must not allow what has happened to affect the way we go about our everyday lives."

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