38 Maps You Never Knew You Needed
Some prime examples of map porn for all my fellow amateur cartographers to get lost in. Get it?
2. This is what the world would look like if the water and land masses were inverted:
Source: ircimg.net
3. This is how much space the Great Lakes would take up if they were in Europe:
Source: greatlakesguru.com
4. Here’s how much space the world’s population would take up if everyone lived in one city:
From Per Square Mile by Tim De Chant.
Source: persquaremile.com
5. This is a map of every country England has ever invaded:
(That’s all but 22 countries.)
Source: wtf.nl
7. Here’s a map of everything New Yorkers call 311 to complain about most:
Source: visualizingstage.geready.com
8. This is what the U.S. might look like if state borders were redrawn to evenly distribute the population:
Source: gawker.com
18. A map showing what’s on the exact opposite side of the planet:
Source: uselessfactoftheday.blogspot.com
20. Here’s how Google auto-complete describes all 50 states:
From Matt Shirly of flipcollective.com.
Source: flipcollective.com
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