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quinta-feira, 26 de setembro de 2013

O front do conflito sírio é um braço da violência que preocupa o mundo inteiro // fotos Reuters

Enquanto isso, no Complexo do Alemão no Rio, agora, 20 h de Brasília, a Polícia Militar luta com bandidos link do conflito sírio

Free Syrian Army fighters stand behind sandbags in the al-Khalidiya neighbourhood of Aleppo, September 26, 2013. A sentence (first line on top) on the wall reads, 'The way to heaven is behind this wall '. REUTERS-Muzaffar Salman

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Free Syrian Army fighters stand behind sandbags in the al-Khalidiya neighbourhood of Aleppo, September 26, 2013. A sentence (first line on top) 

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