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Mostrando postagens com marcador operation car wash. Mostrar todas as postagens

quinta-feira, 21 de abril de 2016

O Antagonista repele jornalista inglês correspondente do The Guardian e em carta à jornalista Amanpour, da CNN, o chama de mentiroso em relação às notícias políticas do Brasil...e a 'Operation Car Wash'


Este é Gleen Greenwald, colunista do jornal esquerdista britânico The Guardian, e que envia matérias do Brasil para a CNN. Greenwald mora no Rio de Janeiro.
O site O Antagonista decidiu publicar uma mensagem em inglês à jornalista Christiane Amanpour, da CNN, advertindo que aquele picareta americano que mora no Brasil e se intitula jornalista, está mentindo e utilizando sua condição profissional para denegrir o Brasil, já que é íntimo da turma do PT. Deveria era ser expulso imediatamente do Brasil.

Como este blog também é bastante acessado nos Estados Unidos transcrevo na íntegra em inglês o texto de O Antagonista. Como os visitantes americanos do blog provavelmente são brasileiros e/ou hispânicos terão em mãos um texto curto e que diz tudo o que deve ser dito para informar os jornalistas americanos sobre a verdade dos fatos. Não vamos permitir que um estrangeiro que vive em nosso país utilize a sua condição de jornalista correspondente estrangeiro para mentir para o mundo inteiro sobre o que realmente está ocorrendo no Brasil. Leiam:

Ms. Christiane Amanpour,
Mr. Glenn Greenwald told you that plutocrats are using "anti-democratic means" to impeach President Dilma Rousseff.
We must say that Mr. Greewald lied to you because he has connections with Workers' Party supporters.
To be re-elected in 2014, Dilma Rousseff violated our Constitution defrauding the government budget and hiding a 15 billion dollars deficit. Our laws consider this a serious crime (and this is a serious crime in any civilized country). By doing so, she worsened the economic crisis affecting especially the poorest -- economic crisis caused by her continuous fiscal irresponsibility.
But Dilma Rousseff committed other crimes.
It's not true that she was cleared in Petrobras corruption scandal. The latest investigations of Operation Car Wash show that Dilma Rousseff is deeply implicated in it.
She was elected and re-elected with money stolen from Petrobras, the large Brazilian oil company that was destroyed by the corruption schemes of Workers' Party and its political allies. Her campaign money was dirty as revealed by whistleblowers to judge Sergio Moro and federal attorneys of Operation Car Wash.
We would like to remind that thousands of American shareholders of Petrobras lost large amounts of money because of corruption scandal. And Dilma Rousseff, as former head of Petrobras board, faces a huge class action in Manhattan.
Dilma Rousseff also attempted to obstruct justice by appointing Lula, the former president, as a minister. This would place him out of reach of Sergio Moro, the judge leading the Petrobras corruption investigation.
For all these reasons, Dilma Rousseff will be impeached. It is a lie that the process of impeachment is a coup. The Congress proceeds strictly within the Constitution limits as stated by Brazilian Supreme Court. Dilma Rousseff and Workers' Party just try to create a smokescreen over their crimes and fool the international press. Mr. Greenwald is just helping them.